Various bits of flotsam that washed up on our computers, before we moved to a better blog system in November 2004. Now a repository for YouTube videos and testing new tools. Go to for more recent content.

Wednesday, March 31, 2004


I want to hear music permeate the air, preferably music I like (which means either I program it, or someone with adventurous tastes does). If Donna would allow it, I'd program my iPod to play through the stereo during the work day. We have compromised, and I play music on the back office/server 24/7, and on the stereo on the weekends.

With this long winded, self-centered prologue, I come to my point: I don't have enough time in a week where I can actually focus on the music that is present. Even right now, as I type this sentence, music is playing (a great series of compilations from Ethiopia, purchased from Aquarius records, I believe at least 12 discs worth, of which I own maybe 6), but I am also watching the Kings lose another game, and typing this observation, and drinking a Guinness, and reading my email. Not focusing on nuance.

I note this idle thought because this evening, trying to fend off the 'funk' of a lingering winter, among other frustrations, I sat with my iPod, and a bushmills on ice, and just listened intently to several songs in (randomized) sequence. Some were slightly familiar, some were extremely well worn, but regardless, I listened to the interplay of bass and drum, and the poetry (or lack of) of the lyrics. Such a pleasure, and even though music is a permanent texture, woven in the woof of my daily life, I wish I could devote more time to the study and appreciation of it.

crossposted for some reason here

Now playing: Kelkeyelgn, from the album Golden Years of Modern Ethiopian Music 1969-1975 by Tèfèri Fèllèqè (Army Band) (released 1975)


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