Yikes! more info for our corporate over-lords

Great, soon our corporate overlords will be demanding this information. I love my TiVo, but I don't particularly like this breakdown of the so-called Chinese wall between content and advertising. Sounds like a way to increase junk mail (and spam too), without benefit to the watcher.

TiVo to Let Viewers Contact Advertisers:
TiVo introduced a feature that lets television viewers send personal information directly to advertisers when they see certain commercials.
... Under the new system, consumers can select an option to tell TiVo to release their contact information to an advertiser. For example, after watching an ad for an automobile or family vacation, users can use the remote control to request that a brochure be sent to their home.

Tall statue aka Our Onion-headed Overlords (Our onion-headed overlords)


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This page contains a single entry by Seth A. published on July 19, 2005 2:16 PM.

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