No I don't want to work


I've been avoiding work all day, and now it is almost 3 pm. Almost there! Beer O'Clock, here I come.....

Some recent photos below. Please, if you must gamble, please give me a taste. (Click for larger versions, natch)

Water Tower Train Trestle
Water Tower Train Trestle

Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Morning profits
Morning profits

Window spheres
Window Spheres

more below

Technorati Tags: ,

Woodpecker Cistern
Woodpecker Cistern

Audience Entrance
Audience Entrance


(One lumen is the luminous flux emitted by a light source that puts out onecandela ofluminous intensity over a solid angle of onesteradian. Alternatively, anisotropic one-candela light source will put out a total luminous flux of exactly4π lumens. A standard 100wattincandescent light bulb puts out around 1500 lumens.).

got that?

Yard Art
Yard Art
or something. Converted to B&W via the miracles of Photoshop.

Spheres in the window
Spheres in the window
nearby coffee shop went away, to be replaced by this spa.

“Tamrac 603 Zoom Traveler 3 Forest Green” (Tamrac)


Isn't that always the way with Fridays :D
More quality photography Seth. I particularly like "Water Tower Train Trestle", great piece of wall art, something we don't have much of in the UK (except the political wall art of Northern Ireland) and "Audience Entrance". That one I like how desrted it and I am always intrigued by the service areas of buildings - so utilitarian and pure function.

Thank you.

Interesting that the UK doesn't have much mural art. I never thought about it, but perhaps a cultural thing. Wasn't there a famous mid-1950s novel about a British muralist who couldn't find anyone who would let his murals stand? I'll have to look and see if aided recall will help my sagging memory.

I think it may well be cultural. You do get images sometimes on temporary boarding around building sites but not often. One of the best versions I have seen was in Greece where the canvas used to enclose the scaffolding around a building being renovated had been printed with how the building would look when finished. It was a rather groovy idea.
In general wall art is limited in the parts of Europe I have seen, mostly we get just plain graffiti - content depending on country. In the UK it tends to be mainly obscene or of the "I woz ere" type.
The lack of wall art might be because such a permant image as you photographed would need planning permission for an advertisement (cost and time implications plus chance of being denied) and that any large urban wall that would be allowed to have that is likely to be leased to a billboard company.

Actually, for whatever reason, the Chicago Cultural Department has commissioned hundreds of murals all around the city. Some are done by high school kids, some aren't. The one above is in a whole three block area of mid sized murals painted on a train bridge.

Perhaps the reasoning is that grafittists won't destroy other artists work to write the stupid shite they like to scribble.

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This page contains a single entry by Seth A. published on March 3, 2006 2:46 PM.

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