Gathering Highlights Power of the Blog

Skipped over Nagourney's article this morning, while slurping coffee before work; even though it is a fairly condescending overview of the Las Vegas Yearly Kos convention, I liked this analogy. I despise talk radio (radio in all forms, really: I'm a better DJ than Clear Channel), but avidly consume the political blogs (even, for all my criticism, DKos) every day.

Gathering Highlights Power of the Blog - New York Times :

And a well-known columnist from a major metropolitan newspaper — this one — was repeatedly stopped by bloggers requesting that she pose for photos with them, as they expressed admiration for her work. (That would be Maureen Dowd.)

As became clear from the rather large and diverse crowd here, the blogosphere has become for the left what talk radio has been for the right: a way of organizing and communicating to supporters. Blogging is nowhere near the force among Republicans as it is among Democrats, and talk radio is a much more effective tool for Republicans.

“We don't spend a lot of time in cars, but we do spend a lot of time on the Internet,” said Jerome Armstrong, a blogging pioneer and a senior adviser to Mr. Warner, who has been the most aggressive among the prospective 2008 candidates in courting this community.

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