

trip aborted, had some problems with customs. No orifice search or anything of that nature, just was unable to pass through the semi-permeable barriers which differentiate this nation from that. Having a golden tongue is no substitute for having proper forms and proofs.

Upon returning home, moped a bit, went on a long bike ride, with my camping gear on my back. Have an appointment with immigration attorneys later this week.

At least I was able to avoid being trapped in an airport for the rest of my meagre life.

Straight Outta Compton
“Straight Outta Compton” (N.W.A.)

And let us never talk about it again.


That certainly sucks. I used to traipse across that border with fishing gear, no ID and a glovebox full of stank on a regular basis.

No fracking kidding. Even as recently as last December, D was able to traipse across the border to Montreal with minimal documentation. My situation is complicated with my dual citizenship, and being a slacker, have never devoted the months required to dot all the proverbial 'i's' and cross the bureaucratic 't's".

Complicating everything are my emotional ties to the central Ontario land. I've been smelling the earth and ferns, in memory, for weeks now. Have such a connection to an idyllic childhood (before the age of 10) spent there, now I'm in a real funk.

What a mess. My wife's Toronto relatives who don't have current passports can't come visit--many of her Dad's siblings are up there, and I worry what will happen if there's (Yog-Sothoth forbid) an emergency.

I could use some of that Canadian wilderness myself. I typically get up there for a week or so every summer; not in the cards this year.

well you are welcome to go to South River anytime! We still own 100 acres of land (mostly maple, fir, spruce, but with a few cabins remaining from our attempted settlement), west of South River, near Eagle Lake, due north of Toronto.

Toronto was on my agenda as well, going to spend the night with my cousin and have some decadent fun before heading out to the country, and eschewing inebrients (and electricity) for a week or so.

Stupid borders. Via the magic of DNA research, I know for a scientific certainty that my ancestors came to the US (Virginia) in the 1600s, but I still cannot cross into the US without immigration voodoo. Feh.

Still, since my Canadian passport expired in 1999, I haven't left the States. Beside the act of flying, I love to travel. So, being forced to get an American passport will be a good thing.

Eternal optimist, I.

Ugh--what a time frame to be in the States with no breather.

Be careful with your invitations--next time you're up at South River you'll find us squatting there.

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This page contains a single entry by Seth A. published on August 21, 2006 8:25 AM.

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