Photo Republished at Family law, adoption and the rights of children – Marilyn Stowe Blog

Doorway to The Royal Courts of Justice

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Sir James Munby only became President of the Family Division in January but he has certainly made his voice heard across legal circles in the eight months since then. In May he warned that people should only be sent to prison for contempt of court in open court. In August he discussed the impact of legal aid cuts, leaving many people caught up in serious family cases reliant on uncertain pro bono representation. … Photo by swanksalot via Flickr under a Creative Commons licence

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Family law, adoption and the rights of children – Marilyn Stowe Blog

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Photo Republished at Grand Avenue Bridge Shut Down For Emergency Repairs: Chicagoist

Biking over the Grand Avenue Bridge

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Grand Avenue Bridge Shut Down For Emergency Repairs Photo credit: Seth Anderson Weekend maintenance on the Grand Avenue Bridge revealed problems to the Bascule bridge that required immediate attention, so the bridge is now closed until Oct. 7 to vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian traffic..

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Grand Avenue Bridge Shut Down For Emergency Repairs: Chicagoist

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Photo Republished at Groupon’s latest shot at relevancy involves buying warehouses for Groupon Goods | VentureBeat

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Groupon’s history is riddled with surges and falls, missteps and pivots, expansion and retraction, and of course, the sordid saga of a delusional CEO who was ousted from his leadership role and is now pursuing a music career.

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Groupon’s latest shot at relevancy involves buying warehouses for Groupon Goods | VentureBeat

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Photo Republished at Groupon stock surges 20% after Eric Lefkofsky becomes CEO | VentureBeat

Groupon HQ 

Albeit with incorrect attribution.

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Looks like interim chief executive Eric Lefkofsky was just not ready to let go of the title. Groupon announced he would be taking over as permanent CEO today in its quarterly earnings release.

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Groupon stock surges 20% after Eric Lefkofsky becomes CEO | VentureBeat

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Photo Republished at Investigation: What the JPMorgan Chase Energy Scandal Reveals About Fossil Fuel Financing

JP Morgan Chase Bat Signal 

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As more and more Americans are beginning to share scientists’ long expressed concerns over climate change, revelations of big bank energy market manipulations highlight Wall Street’s entrenched stake in the fossil fuel economy that is heating up the planet. In what critics are calling Enron 2.0, JPMorgan Chase is facing a reported fine in the range of $500 million from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for manipulating energy markets in California and Michigan. Chase acquired a slew of aging power plants from Bear Stearns when the firm tanked in the 2008 market meltdown. …(Photo: Seth Anderson / Flickr)

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Investigation: What the JPMorgan Chase Energy Scandal Reveals About Fossil Fuel Financing

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Photo Republished at 12 Drool-Worthy Photos of Vintage Signs in the Valley

Helms Olympic Bread

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Have you ever been to California? You should try it. Sure there are the beaches and the national parks and the movie stars and the big red bridge. There’s also the delightful consequence of near-perfect weather all year round. Stuff just doesn’t rust. Even when it rains.

… Final image via Seth Anderson.

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12 Drool-Worthy Photos of Vintage Signs in the Valley

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Photo Republished at Two Beers I Don’t Get | Steve’s Personal Blog

312 is golden

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I like very trying new beers. It’s no secret. But recently I had two beers, in a row, that I could not wrap my head around. Don’t misunderstand, these were not bad beers but beers that either fly over my head or I expected too much from. Photo credit: swanksalot The first beer is Goose Island’s 312 Urban Wheat.

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Two Beers I Don’t Get | Steve’s Personal Blog

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Photo Republished at Seven steps for the beginning hockey player

Blackhawks Patrick Kane Hoisting Stanley Cup 

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Just because you’ll never be as good as Patrick Kane doesn’t mean you shouldn’t start playing. (Photo by Seth Anderson / Flickr & Creative Commons)

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Photo Republished at The Importance of Life Insurance (and Sometimes Pre-Nups) | Smart Mom Style

One Stop Shopping
One Stop Shopping 

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Just like Lana, I urge everyone to go out and get a life insurance policy if they can afford it. It gives you peace of mind and a cushion should you ever need it. It’s important for new couples, but when there are kids involved, too, options for work and places to live become more limited and it’s crucial to have a plan in place. Photo credit: swanksalot

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The Importance of Life Insurance (and Sometimes Pre-Nups) | Smart Mom Style

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Photo Republished at Chris Bentley: Forest Preserves, a hundred years from today | WBEZ 91.5 Chicago

More Immaculate Syllables
More Immaculate Syllables

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One hundred years after a small volunteer group set aside open spaces for the nation’s first Forest Preserve, the Forest Preserve District of Cook County is redoubling its efforts to promote preservation and recreation across more than 100 square miles. The District’s centennial anniversary campaign officially began Wednesday with a minor name change (though still legally The Forest Preserve District of Cook County, the redesigned logo carries the admittedly less clunky Forest Preserves of Cook County) and a reiteration of the Forest Preserves’ vision for conservation, habitat restoration and trails.

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Chris Bentley: Forest Preserves, a hundred years from today | WBEZ 91.5 Chicago

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Photo Republished at How to Combat Tech Obsolescence | Innovation Insights | Wired

Tech Graveyard

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In 2012 we witnessed the retirement of the Space Shuttle as well as the near-death spiral of BlackBerry.  Obsolescence has occurred throughout time and will continue to occur.  Specifically in regards to software and technology, obsolescence is a serious issue that subconsciously motivates every product development cycle.  How does a company retain customers for their existing core competencies, while venturing into progressive product development for the years ahead? …Image: swanksalot/Flickr

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How to Combat Tech Obsolescence | Innovation Insights | Wired

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No You Cannot Use My Photo for Free Part 89

 A/k/a Black Card Magazine wants free Photos.

Chicago Dog
Chicago Dog

I’ve gotten lazy about blogging the periodic requests to use my photos in a commercial setting without compensation. I have no concern with websites or blogs using my photos, even quasi-commercial sites like Chicagoist, Curbed Chicago, or the like, as long as these usages don’t require payment to view. In my reasoning, I get benefit from such exposure, not to mention I read most of these sites anyway, or could. However, printed use is different: the targeted audience has to pay a fee to read the magazine or book, thus I should get a slice of the pie. Does this make sense?

There have been several such inquiries since I last mentioned the subject, such as yesterday, when I received this email, marked URGENT.

I work as a writer for Black Card magazine. We are doing a feature on America’s Best Street Foods and we want to feature The Wiener’s Circle in Chicago.

They don’t have any images of their hot dogs, but I found the one on your flickr page. Was wondering if you might be willing to let us publish it in exchange for a photo credit in the article and a free copy of the magazine?

We are on an urgent deadline.


My first reaction was irritation at the forced urgency. Why do I have to rush to respond? I’m not the one who waited until the last minute to secure photographic rights for a story assigned months ago. An admission: I’m that guy on the highway who slows down when drivers tailgate me. Especially if I’m driving by myself, I’ll block irritating drivers from passing me for twenty minutes (alternatively slowing down and speeding up, as traffic changes) or longer. Unless you have a flashing siren on your vehicle, I doubt sincerely your time is any more valuable than mine, and no, I won’t get out of your way if you are rude. Of course, if Illinois caves in, and allows concealed handguns to be carried, I may alter my behavior. Probably not though. I hate being told to hurry up. I have enough deadlines of my own without incorporating yours as well.

Secondly, Black Card Magazine is a trade publication solely for the upper echelon – for instance, American Express’s Centurion Card, which requires cardholders willing to pay an annual fee of $2,500 just to have the card, plus a $7,500 application fee. Not for the peons, in other words. American Express had an operating income of $33,800,000,000 last year, I think they could afford to pay photographers if they chose to.

Wieners Circle Rages at the Dying of the Light
Wieners Circle Rages at the Dying of the Light

So I replied that I would be happy to allow one-time usage of my photograph for the fee of $800. I’m not holding my breath for a response (it’s been 24 hours).

the Wieners Family Crest
the Wieners Family Crest

Mmm Crunchy Chicago Dogs
Mmm Crunchy Chicago Dogs

Photo Republished at Bangalore, Maker’s Mark, Rahm Emanuel and the Importance of Feedback Loops – Forbes

Maker's Mark - a collectors edition?

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As whisky producer Maker’s Mark recently learned, when customers have strong opinions, they’ll make their complaints heard. It’s better for organizations to create feedback loops early in order to help avoid the sudden negative reaction that often follow poorly planned policy changes. …Maker’s Mark is not the only organization to learn about the importance of customer feedback loops. (Photo credit: swanksalot)

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Bangalore, Maker’s Mark, Rahm Emanuel and the Importance of Feedback Loops – Forbes

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Republished at Columbus Requires Life Vests On Chattahoochee

Life Preservers

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The city of Columbus is tightening the rules for people out on the Chattahoochee River near the city. Starting this week the city is requiring life vests for anyone on the river between the North Highlands Dam and the Columbus Trade Center. (Photo Courtesy of Seth Anderson via Flickr.)

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Columbus Requires Life Vests On Chattahoochee

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Republished at Mail Fail-Jet Van Lines

We Deliver For You, Eventually - Ilford HP5+400

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The U.S. Postal Service may be undergoing some serious changes in the face of a rather large deficit. While many take for granted that mail is delivered on time, and can usually complain about the cost of stamps, the Postal Service has been suffering. Just this year the agency posted a $15.9 billion dollar loss. While trying to salvage health care coverage for their many employees the U.S. Postal Service also failed to meet the deadline for reserving $5 billion dollars for this purpose for retired postal workers. Basically, without drastic changes there could be a very real possibility of no Postal Service without a huge helping hand from the government. …Photo credit: swanksalot / Foter / CC BY-SA

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Mail Fail? « Jet Van Lines

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