Kiva Loan Number 10

– Flor De Maria from Peru has fully repaid a Kiva loan

Location: Ayacucho, Peru

Repayment Term: 8 months (more info)

Activity: Retail   Repayment Schedule: Monthly

Loan Use: To buy wine and pecans

Currency Exchange Loss: Covered       Default Protection: Covered

Flor de Maria is a member of the community bank “Luz Divina”. She is 50 years old, divorce and has 4 children; Flor was born in the city of Ica and works as a nurse at the City Hospital. Flor de Maria sells pecans and wine to employees of various institutions. She is asking for a loan of $675 that will be invested in the purchase of wines and pecans. Flor dreams are to expand her business, to have a pecan’s crop and export them.

Translated from Spanish by Adriana Pierce, Kiva Volunteer

Flor de Maria es socia del Banco Comunal Luz Divina. Flor de Maria es separada, tiene 50 años y 4 hijos, natural de la ciudad de Ica, de profesión enfermera y trabaja en el hospital de la ciudad, Flor de Maria vende vinos y pecanas que adquiere en la ciudad de Ica, sus ventas los realiza a los trabajadores de diferentes instituciones. Flor de Maria necesita un préstamo de 2000 soles dinero que será invertido en la compra de vinos y pecanas. Los sueños de Flor de Maria son ampliar su negocio, tener su pecanal y vender al extranjero.

(click to continue reading Kiva – Flor De Maria from Peru has fully repaid a Kiva loan.)

Country: Peru
Avg Annual Income: $6,715
Currency: Peru Nuevos Soles (PEN)
Exchange Rate:

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