DeMint is a Christian Taliban

The Republican Party standard bearers are such a strange1 species. They would love to destroy our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and institute a theocracy in America. I call them the Christian Taliban2. To whit:

Family Planning protest w 50 foot Giant Virgin Mary
[50 foot Giant Virgin Mary, Chicago’s West Loop]

Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina, who recently urged his fellow party members to dig in their heels and create a Waterloo for the president. “It would break him,” DeMint added appealingly.

DeMint is an increasingly influential voice in the Republican Party, and he is now regarded as a potential Republican presidential nominee in 2012. This is partly because of his new book, “Saving Freedom: We Can Stop America’s Slide Into Socialism,” and partly because almost all the other potential Republican presidential nominees have been sidetracked by lively sex scandals. At present, DeMint does not seem to have a sex scandal, although if he ever comes up with one, I promise to remind you that in his last campaign he said that openly gay people and unwed pregnant women should not be allowed to teach in public schools.

[Click to continue reading Gail Collins – The Health Care Sausage –]

What century is this DeMint jerk-off living in? The 13th? Does he want to burn the unwed pregnant women at the stake? His Virgin Mary was supposed to be an unwed pregnant woman, would DeMint be happy burning his alleged savior on a cross?

  1. to me anyway, I guess they convince enough people of their nonsense to get elected, somehow []
  2. Pashto: طالبان ṭālibān, meaning “students” []

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