Kiva Loan Number 28

 Erdenebaatar Ganbazar from Mongolia has a loan fundraising on Kiva

Location: Zavhan, Mongolia   Repayment Term: 25 months  Activity: Mobile Phones   Repayment Schedule: Monthly Loan Use: To purchase inventory.

Erdenebaatar Ganbazar is 33 years old and lives with his wife and son in Zavhan province, western Mongolia. He and his family live in a house.

Erdenebaatar works as a driver in the local police department, while his wife manages a cell phone business in their town. He and his wife started their business two years ago, and have made much progress with their business over the last year and have built a strong customer base. Erdenebaatar and his wife have gained much experience operating their business and dream of one day owning their own repair shop and cell phone store in their town. Erdenebaatar is requesting a 3,500,000 MNT loan to purchase cellphones and cellphone parts from Ereen, a border city of China, in order to increase his business sales.

(click to continue reading Kiva – Erdenebaatar Ganbazar from Mongolia has a loan fundraising on Kiva.)

Avg Annual Income: $2,175
Currency: Mongolia Tugriks (MNT)
Exchange Rate: 1,345.0000 MNT = 1 USD

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