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Friday, July 02, 2004

My Pet Goat

which is really "The Pet Goat", according to this WSJ article.... - Bush's Goat Tale Is Tough to Find:
Suddenly, "My Pet Goat" is one of the most famous stories in America. But the tale, which goes by a different title, is tough to find, and its author doesn't understand all the fuss.

In an early scene in Michael Moore's film "Fahrenheit 9/11," President Bush sits before a Florida elementary school class on Sept. 11, perusing the pages of "The Pet Goat," the story's real title. After being told that both World Trade Center towers have been hit, Mr. Bush remains fixed in his chair. As the children read, the camera focuses in on Mr. Bush, who is trying to keep under tight control.

Mr. Moore portrays Mr. Bush as indecisive in a crisis. ...

But what about the book? "The Pet Goat" was designed to teach words ending in the letter E. The story involves a girl whose parents insist she get rid of her pet goat when it eats everything in sight. Then a burglar enters the house. The goat butts him, and the grateful parents let the goat stay. Everyone smiles but the burglar, who says he is sore (note the "e" ending).

Because the story is part of a classroom anthology, finding a copy -- except for one listed under "My Pet Goat" on eBay yesterday -- has been near impossible. The story is contained in a book called "Reading Mastery: Rainbow Edition, Level 2, Storybook 1," a school reading aid offered by SRA/McGraw-Hill, an educational publisher owned by McGraw-Hill Cos. Armed with that less-than-lilting title, fans of the story may be able to find stray copies on

The author, Siegfried Engelmann, is a retired professor who taught special education at the University of Oregon. The creator of many such stories, and a noted scholar on the subject of reading skills, he hasn't seen the movie. "It hasn't brought me any fame," he says. "It's fascinating that anyone would even be interested in something like this."


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