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Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Department of irony impaired

Offensive is too mild a word for this exhibit. US News Article |
The Bush administration took its war on drugs to the tourist hub of Times Square on Tuesday with an exhibit that links illegal drugs and global terrorism, a connection that drew the ire of some.

"If you use drugs, you are standing against rule of law, you are standing against freedom and you are standing against those who are fighting against terror," White House anti-drug chief John Walters said.

The three-story exhibit includes an Afghan heroin processing lab, with a legend warning that Afghanistan is on the verge of becoming a "narco-state" ruled by drug traffickers. Kiosks explain how dealers launder money to benefit terrorists.

Put together by the Drug Enforcement Administration, the exhibit at One Times Square features wreckage from the destroyed World Trade Center, with news programing from the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks playing in the background.


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