drutil commands

New (to me) unix utility: drutil

from terminal

Usage: drutil command [command-options-and-arguments] -drive [drive-arguments]
drutil commands are:
bulkerase Bulk erases -RW media in either quick or full mode.
drutil bulkerase (quick | full)
cdtext Displays CD-Text present on an audio CD.
discinfo Displays disc related info when media is present.
dumpiso Parses ISO-9660 directory structures.
eject Ejects media from the drive (if any).
erase Erases -RW media in either quick or full mode.
drutil erase (quick | full)
filename Translates filenames for different filesystems.
drutil filename "name"
getconfig Displays current and supported device features and profiles.
drutil getconfig (current | supported)
info Displays detailed information about connected drives.
list Lists all connected burning devices.
poll Constantly polls and displays device notifications.
status Displays detailed information about inserted media.
subchannel Displays subchannel (MCN, ISRC) info when CD media is present.
trackinfo Displays track related info when media is present.
tray Opens and closes drive tray, and ejects media.
drutil tray (open | close | eject)
version Display the OS and DiscRecording version numbers.

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This page contains a single entry by Seth A. published on January 11, 2005 8:51 AM.

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