Fox News: no critics allowed

Curious. I actually watch Boston Legal (sometimes), one of a very small number of television shows that doesn't suck. Perhaps why we go through so many Netflix rentals. Wonder what the real scoop is here? ABC can't be scared of O'Reilly and his team of rag-tag lawyers, can he? Didn't they read the press accounts of the Falafel's suit against Al Franken?

Fox News: no critics allowed:
ABC has mysteriously “scrubbed” an upcoming episode of “Boston Legal” of all pejorative references to Fox News and O'Reilly. Top ABC executives heavily censored an earlier version of the script, in which a teacher calls Fox News “hate speech” and installs a “Fox Blocker” on every TV set in his school. A side-by-side comparison of the two versions of the script reveals it has been stripped of any references to the network. The Sunday episode is, ironically, about free speech. Neither ABC nor David Kelley, the show's creator, would comment on the changes. The script also contained excerpts from “Outfoxed,” an anti-Fox documentary by indie filmmaker Robert Greenwald which argues that the cable channel has an explicit conservative agenda. The “Outfoxed” excerpts will be included in the episode, although ABC would not allow Greenwald to buy ad time for his film to air during the episode. “The door has been closed in our face,” said the film's distributor

(for the Boswell in me, these are the shows currently broadcast that are being TiVoed in our household-

and these shows, currently on hiatus, may or may not come back There might be a few other shows we watch, but not on a regular basis. (I'm excluding NBA games b/c that's a different category altogether). On commercial TV, there is Boston Legal (ABC), and The Simpsons / Arrested Development (Fox), and basic cable's Comedy Central (Daily Show). The rest all reside on pay-to-view HBO. Yikes, no wonder the networks are in trouble.

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