Lake Michigan

Flickr is acting up again, so I'll post this photo/painting here.
I was trying to make photos that were paintable, and ended up with this photo of Lake Michigan that looked more like a painting, untouched, than anything I was going to paint with my hands made all of stone.

Memorial Beachclick for larger version. If you really want to see it, you have to look at the matte paper print


The constant search barely skims the surface.
the blooded cross remains essentially hidden,
obscured by pronouns.
label the darkness with mythologies, and just peer.
the space remains unfilled, unswept.

 We strain the limits of our visions,
try to master the pale rose paintbrush
with our hands all of stone.

 Inspiration required breadth,
exhale the history and it a bent branch anyway.
melted, scarred by the fire of internal misery.

- some schmoe

and some of these qualifying adjectives don't make sense now that I'm over 33.

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This page contains a single entry by Seth A. published on March 23, 2005 9:57 PM.

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