Our corporate overlords

Not a surprise to any student of U.S. history of say, the last 200 years, but still, I don't recall this simple fact proclaimed so boldly and nonchalantly:

WSJ.com - Bush Taps Roberts For Supreme Court:

Business leaders who recently began reviewing the records of the White House finalist list placed Judge Roberts at the top of their candidate lists.

Since when did the President, Senate, Congress etc. allow the corporations to tell them who was a proper candidate for anything? Much less SCOTUS? I am irked that, as a citizen of the U.S., my opinion matters so much less (incredibly less by a factor of millions) than the CEO of Acme Industrial Widgets International. When do I get to make my candidate list?


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This page contains a single entry by Seth A. published on July 21, 2005 3:18 PM.

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