Knicks are a national laughingstock

When even Richard Cohen is using the New York Knicks as a setup to a punch-line, you know your team is a joke.

WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING | Chicago Tribune 'Tis a pity George Bush did not own the New York Knicks instead of the Texas Rangers. History might have been different. His cocky approach to war in Iraq might have been tempered by the knowledge that money and power [don't] always guarantee victory.

Sometimes, as Don Rumsfeld has memorably noted, things happen. -- Richard Cohen in The Washington Post

A friend re-gifted (with our full approval) an exercise bike, barely used. Even though the bike was manufactured 1989 or so, and hence has crappy software, run by a 9 volt battery, it is still perfect for watching the NBA playoffs in my back office room, on my crappy donated television (albeit a television that has a DirecTV Tivo box attached). Nothing beats exercising, drinking beer (Bell's Amber Ale at the moment), and enjoying the NBA season that matters (to fans). Well, dozens of things actually are more fun, or maybe even more if I stop to list them all, but still....

My main kvetch re: the NBA playoffs, why does it invariably start just as spring arrives? Yesterday I chose life, and didn't watch any games that were TiVoed. Today, got out early, enjoyed some fun in the sun, yadda yadda, and made it back home by 4 pm. Why can't the NBA season end in the doldrums of winter? Especially since this is the only sport I actually pay attention too. Couldn't the NFL and NBA switch seasons? Holding the NBA playoffs in December-January would be sweet.

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This page contains a single entry by Seth A. published on April 23, 2006 6:21 PM.

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