Atheists and American

Atheists just don't get enough respect in America. We should form some lobbying group and hire a Ralph Reed type. Err, well, never mind.

IOKIYAC : I'm appalled at this astonishingly insensitive Christian bigot, Lt. Col. Ralph Kauzlarich, who basically slanders Tillman because he was an atheist.

and since I'm still young enough, by the new rules, to be drafted:

One useful thing about all this is that we atheists are going to be able to make the case, if a draft is ever reinstated, that we wouldn't be able to trust our fellow soldiers to refrain from killing us, and that we therefore must have a deferment. I know I would never allow any of my kids to go off to a war where they can't rely on the raving religious fanatics around them…and commanding them.

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