
received a sort of strange email yesterday

I wanted to give you a heads up that your blog has a link from Time.com's web site, powered by Sphere. To see your featured post, go to www.time.com and look within the story: “The G.O.P.'s Secret Weapon.” Then, look for the orange sphere it! logo and click on it. You should see your post in the first two pages of results.

Sphere is working with Time and other publishers to get great blogs like yours in front of more people. We think this is pretty cool and a great way for people to discover blogs as well as introduce a broader, more mainstream audience to great blog content like yours. If you have any thoughts or questions, please feel free to contact me at [redacted].

We'd like to offer you a Sphere featured blogger badge. You can choose one here:

Keep on blogging!

Sure enough, Time Magazine, in sort of a roundabout way, has linked here to this post. Here's Sphere's info on me, generated through some sort of technorati competition.

Again, no money exchanged, though not sure I would want to be affiliated with Andrew Sullivan, Ann Marie Cox, et al, unless the cash was so massive I could quit my day job and move to the Bahamas and beach-blog. My mom does has a subscription to the print edition of Time Magazine, I believe. The funny thing is that particular post was sort of a throwaway/quicky, mostly borrowing WSJ content. Oh well, traffic is traffic.

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This page contains a single entry by Seth A. published on October 3, 2006 10:23 AM.

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