Too Brazen

Michael Baroody was too brazen, even for a Bushie, and withdrew his nomination. I'm sure he's sobbing into his Dom Perignon.

Candidate to Lead Consumer Agency Withdraws

A senior lobbyist at the National Association of Manufacturers withdrew his nomination to head the Consumer Product Safety Commission on Wednesday as a growing number of senators questioned both his suitability and a $150,000 departure payment that the association was preparing to give him.
Senator Bill Nelson, the Florida Democrat who earlier this month put a hold on the nomination, said in an interview Wednesday afternoon that he believed that Mr. Baroody withdrew because he did not want to make public the details of his $150,000 severance package, as several senators had demanded.

Mr. Nelson said he had asked Mr. Baroody about the package in a meeting on Monday. He said Mr. Baroody said he would consider the request from Senate Democrats to disclose both the agreement and its revisions. It was revised by the association a few days after it learned that Mr. Baroody was the top candidate for the consumer protection agency.

“When the nomination was withdrawn, I assume it was because they did not want to make it public,” Mr. Nelson said, referring to the severance agreement.

Both Mr. Baroody and the White House have refused to make the agreement public.

After he was nominated by President Bush in March, Mr. Baroody came under heavy criticism from consumer groups, trial lawyers, medical doctors and firefighters. They said that the record of both Mr. Baroody and the association against safety regulations demonstrated that he was not qualified for the job.

Mr. Baroody was the latest in a line of industry executives and lawyers put forward by President Bush to head safety agencies. Some of them have been critical of excessive regulation and have advocated rolling back numerous rules.

Some? or all? Seems like a requirement to be corrupt in order to work for Bush.

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