Larry Flynt and Larry Craig

I wonder if Larry Craig was one of the hypocrites begging to be exposed, as promised by Larry Flynt? Strange too how many closeted Republicans there are, closeted Republicans who vote against gay rights as a matter of pride.

Men's room arrest reopens questions about Sen. Larry Craig | Eyepiece | Idaho Statesman :
The most serious finding by the [Idaho ] Statesman was the report by a professional man with close ties to Republican officials. The 40-year-old man reported having oral sex with Craig at Washington's Union Station, probably in 2004. The Statesman also spoke with a man who said Craig made a sexual advance toward him at the University of Idaho in 1967 and a man who said Craig “cruised” him for sex in 1994 at the REI store in Boise. The Statesman also explored dozens of allegations that proved untrue, unclear or unverifiable.

Craig, 62, was elected to Congress in 1980. Should he win re-election in 2008 and complete his term, he would be the longest-serving Idahoan ever in Congress. His record includes a series of votes against gay rights and his support of a 2006 amendment to the Idaho Constitution that bars gay marriage and civil unions.

Cirque Shanghai Goldfinger 2

more and from Daily Kos


Update: predictably, Glenn Greenwald adds some astute thoughts re: the hypocrisy angle, skewering the right-wingers with their own words. In October 2006, before the election, the frothing-mouth class were outraged at the allegations. However, in August, 2007, a complete reversal of opinion (now that the election is over, and the Governor of Idaho is a Republican). Such as - that little turd, Johah Goldberg.


And Jonah Golberg -- who last October penned one of the most pious condemnations of Rogers, calling the Craig story “wicked” and insisting that such tactics will “haunt [liberals] in unexpected ways in years to come” (notwithstanding the glaringly contradictory fact that Goldberg's entire public existence was foisted on our country by his and his mom's sleazy joint feeding off of the Clinton sex scandal) today pops up to make sure that everyone knows that he is repulsed by Craig's behavior: “I don't know what Larry Craig's been doing in men's rooms. And it sure sounds like I don't wanna know either.”

Much more in this vein, if you have a strong enough stomach, here.

and TPM has the arresting officers statement. What a crappy job. I wonder what sort of officer gets put on this detail? Did he piss his supervisor off?

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