Pelosi, puhlease!

What blackmail threat is the White House holding over Pelosi's head? Misleading Congress is an impeachable offense!

Pelosi's Stand Blocking Impeachment in the House is Killing the Democratic Party - The Smirking Chimp:
It's just the Constitution that's suffering because of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's nutty and unprincipled “impeachment-off-the-table” position blocking any effort to impeach President Bush or Vice President Cheney for their many crimes and abuses of power.

Her position on impeachment is killing the Democratic Party too, by driving away not just progressive members of the party, but independents who voted for Democrats last November expecting some action in defense of the Constitution.

I see this anger welling up among progressives and independents everywhere I travel, as people say they've simply had it with the Democrats. The support of the party for a bill continuing funding for the war through September was terrible. The Democrats' rush to pass a bill granting Bush the authority to spy without a warrant on Americans, and to expand the power to spy domestically well beyond phones and internet to even include break-ins was a last straw.


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