Avoision of Unwritten Rules

Speaking of politicians done in by American sex-aversion (is it avoision?)

It will come as a surprise to many people that there are rules in politics. Most of those rules are unwritten and are based on common understandings, acceptable practices, and the best interest of the political party a candidate seeks to lead. One of those rules is this: Do not provide ammunition to the opposition party that can be used to destroy your party's nominee. This is a hyper-truth where the presidential contest is concerned.

By saying that only she and John McCain are qualified to lead the country, particularly in times of crisis, Hillary Clinton has broken that rule, severely damaged the Democratic candidate who may well be the party's nominee, and, perhaps most ominously, revealed the unlimited lengths to which she will go to achieve power. She has essentially said that the Democratic party deserves to lose unless it nominates her.

[From Gary Hart: Breaking the Final Rule - Politics on The Huffington Post]

Re: Spitzer and his $5000 an hour personal services, either we need to legalize prostitution, or require our politicians to be neutered before they are allowed to fulminate about victimless crimes like visiting sex workers. How many women did Spitzer send to prison for servicing someone other then himself?

John McCain Lobbyist Lover

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This page contains a single entry by swanksalot published on March 11, 2008 7:45 PM.

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