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Friday, September 17, 2004

eudora notes

from the Eudora Mac list

Click this URL [in Eudora] and you will now get BOLD Underline in lieu of underline when something comes new into a mailbox
I believe the values are:

normal = 0,
bold = 1,
italic = 2,
underline = 4,
outline = 8,
shadow = 16,
condense = 32,
extend = 64"

The ultimate value you use is the simple addition of the values of the styles you want to use. E.g., bold-italic would be 3 (1+2); bold-underline would be 5 (1+4) (which is the value I use).

Note, you have to remove the "<" and ">" in the x-setting example: I'm too much of an html dim-wit to figure out how to format this correctly. has a list of all the settings. Or, even better, send an email to Adam Engst of Tidbits and get a list sent to you via email.


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