DHL Sucks didn't make it

Funny survey of Corporate Hate sites at Forbes. I get a lot of traffic from people searching for “NordicTrack Sucks” and “DHL Sucks”, but neither of these posts defines this site. I don't know what defines this site's philosophy, but that's a conversation for another hour. Top Corporate Hate Web Sites:
Sometimes it seems that shoddy products and atrocious customer service go together like peanut butter and chocolate.

But while your average disgruntled consumer simply vents their bile by bellowing at a bewildered service rep, a few go farther. Much farther. These perennially peeved people build--and obsessively maintain--sites devoted exclusively to complaining about their least favorite corporations.

To honor these quixotic champions, we spent hours trawling the Web looking for the very best corporate hate sites. After checking out more than 100 sites with names like and, we rated the best of them on a scale from one to five in six different categories: ease of use, frequency of updates, number of posts, hostility level (angrier is better), relevance, and entertainment value (Hey! Angry and funny!).

The following nine sites--there were ten, but one went unexpectedly dark during the editing of this story--are the crème de la crème of online rage. Note that we substantially cleaned up some of the posts, editing out odd capitalization schemes, iffy grammar and plain incoherence. Apparently blinding anger does not go hand in hand with dotting your i's and crossing your t's.

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This page contains a single entry by Seth A. published on March 24, 2005 5:32 PM.

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