Netflix shipped: Repo Man

Another blast from the past, haven't seen this movie in twenty-some years. Have the soundtrack though....

Shipped: Repo Man:

Shipped on 03/24/05.

Lacking role models and a purpose, baby-faced delinquent Otto (Emilio Estevez) finds a code of honor and a higher calling when he hooks up with a band of contemporary "knights": the repo men. A "seasoned" auto repossessor (Harry Dean Stanton) shows Otto the ropes, and when a big reward is offered for an elusive 1964 Malibu, Otto dodges G-men, cops, religious kooks -- you name it -- in a frenzied quest for the car. Does his fate lie in its trunk?

Repo Man

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This page contains a single entry by Seth A. published on March 24, 2005 6:18 PM.

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