What's in a Name? 'Sudan' Food Scare Angers Country

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I wondered this myself.

What's in a Name? 'Sudan' Food Scare Angers Country:

LONDON (Reuters) - Sudan's ambassador wants to know why a cancer-causing dye that caused a food scare in Britain is named after his country, but no one seems to have an answer.

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1 Comment

RE:Sudan's ambassador wants to know why a cancer-causing dye that caused a food scare in Britain is named after his country, but no one seems to have an answer.

The "Sudan" dye is the name of the colour not unlike "burnt siena" amoung many others named after 'exotic' places. Those of us who went to art school will remember being told not to suck the paintbrush when using a number of colours. All off the market these days for use by us painters.

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