No Thanks


Splurged recently and bought the great, great box set,

No Thanks!


The booklet ends with this disclaimer:
No Thanks Sex Pistols

What?! No Sex Pistols?! Congratulations - you know own the second most important '70s punk-rock collection available. We could pretend that the absence of Sex Pistols tracks on this set doesn't matter, but then that would be disingenuous (i.e. a load of rubbish) and counter to the no-bullshit spirt of this music. Hopefully, the other 70+ bands on this set still make you feel good about your purchase. Bollocks - the punk equivalent of Sgt. Peppers - is a more essential purchase than this set. I hope you've already bought it before plunking down the 60+ hard-earned dollars for this one. If you're looking at a friend's copy, buy that one first. But please come back here for a second helping. Apology accepted? - Gary Stewart Producer/Apologist

Hmm, I actually don't own

Never Mind the Bullocks

, on CD; I should steal a copy from the Library of Congress.....

{, , }


Hi Seth;

Are the headers of the "GNX SOFTWARE COMPANY" spams received by you available? Would appreciate if you could pass the headers on especially for June 27 2005.

Thanks much


I'm assuming you are referring to this entry:
Unfortunately, I emptied my email junk folder recently. Sorry.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Seth A. published on July 1, 2005 2:13 PM.

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