

Why do fundamentalist Christians (Americans mostly) have such an urge to infringe on everybody else's lives, such a need to 'cast stones' at any society or individual that doesn't conform to the fake constructs of Leave it To Beaver television families? Where does all their rage come from? How deep is that well, anyway?

Amanda Marcotte of Pandagon and Lauren of Feministe, both more serious writers/bloggers than yours truly, have a little dustup with some finger-pointing 'chaste woman'.

A childless feminist blogger took pleasure in taking apart Sandoval's piece, accusing the writer of hating sex and hating sexually active singles. She buoyed her arguments by noting that while she herself supported having sex outside of marriage, she was not promiscuous—she'd been with the same man for four years.

Reading that, I thought, this is a woman who does not know what her life is for or who she is. She badly desires to anchor her life in a relationship, yet she has a contingency plan to escape that relationship with no strings attached, should it prove too cumbersome. She takes hormones to prevent her ovaries from releasing eggs, so that her lover's seed may pass in and out of her without the chance that she'll actually receive it.

...Two people merge antiseptically, their bodies touching but never risking lasting change in one another's life.

The jarring feeling of separation that a contracepting single woman feels after sex isn't just the perspective-shift from being connected to being apart. It's the realization, on a primal level, that even the most exciting contracepted intercourse is coitus interruptus. She hasn't fully given the gift of her body, neither has she allowed her partner to give all that he has to offer.

Now, as an actual fact, the 'childless feminist blogger' didn't take hormones to 'prevent her ovaries from releasing eggs, so that her lover's seed may pass in and out of her without the chance that she'll actually receive it.' This is just a projection on the part of the 'chaste woman', or something equally as foul.

Read Amanda's response here, and Lauren's response here, including comments.

What bothers me most about all of the negative nabobs who call themselves Christians while ignoring most of the precepts of their purported leader is their constant condemnations of others - always worried about how the liberals/feminists/anarchists/yadda-yadda-ists conduct themselves. Please, go ahead and do whatever the hell you want - pray to Pat Robertson's penis to smite his enemies, join Ralph Reed's child-flesh-eating orgies, don't covet your neighbors ass, whatever, but please don't assume that what you do with your life is what I want to do with mine.

I spent a few of my formative years in East Texas, please G-d don't make me move back amongst the fake Christians. Aren't you supposed to give away all your wealth to the poor, and devote your days to helping those less fortunate? How's that coming?

Anyway, I feel a whole rant emerging, and it just isn't worth releasing the bile to continue pointing out the myriad of hypocrisies expressed by 'chaste Christians'. I've never been married, nor has the woman I've lived with for the last five years, and neither of us have procreated, but we are quite happy, thanks. Keep your goddamn nose out of our business, ok? Bleh.



I always think it's incredible that the right wing christians are spending their time trying to make amendments to the constitution against gays so that they can't marry, they call it "defending marriage" as if it says in their bible that they should marry! It says in MY bible, new testament, qouting the apostle Paul "I would that no one marry" I guess they only believe what they want to.

To say nothing about Pat Robertson and his hateful, murderous heart. Or Jerry Fowell and his weight problem, when it clearly states in the book Revelation that "Gluttens and Murderers" will burn in hell.

yes, the Bible has many, many commandments and instructions that most Christians, fundie or not, wouldn't even consider obeying. Yet, they don't mind telling everyone else what they 'should do'.

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This page contains a single entry by Seth A. published on August 24, 2005 7:12 PM.

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