Humor challenged


Ok, I read this article twice, looking for something even moderately funny that the President said, and could not find an instance. Is Mark Silva so drunk on the President's alleged charisma that the simple mention of the word “pig” is suddenly akin to Vaudeville?

Hogging the humor spotlight | Chicago Tribune - Mark Silva Bush serves up some comic relief thanks in part to a bagged boar while in Germany

Here are all of the proclamations that Mr. Silva found so hysterical:

1. “I understand I may have the honor of slicing the pig,” Bush said at a news conference earlier in the day punctuated with questions about spreading violence in the Middle East and an intensifying standoff with Iran over nuclear power.

2. “Thanks for having me,” Bush told the chancellor. “I'm looking forward to that pig tonight.”

3. “Did I think it was a clever response?” Bush said of Putin's slap at Cheney. “It was pretty clever actually, quite humorous--not to dis my friend, the vice president.”

4. “I haven't seen the pig yet,” said Bush, sidestepping the question about insights gained from his two-day visit to this rural seaside region that once rested behind the Iron Curtain in a Germany divided between East and West.

5. “I thought you were going to ask about the pig,” said the president, promising a full report from the barbecue. “I'll tell you about the pig tomorrow.”

Yeah, real fracking funny. From the buildup, you'd think Bush might have made at least one actual joke, but if there's a funny thought here, I can't discern what it is.

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The man's gotta eat, so give him some pig. The Israelis and the Arabs should take his lead and enjoy some barbecue, as long as the pig is kosher.

Sure, let the man eat all the porcine bits he wants. Wild boar is tasty. But I don't see how any of these one liners are very funy.

and no pig will ever be kosher.

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