Profanity worries CBS affiliates

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How pathetic.

9-11 show's profanity worries CBS affiliates
Some CBS affiliates are replacing or delaying a powerful Sept. 11 documentary set to air on Sunday, and broadcasters say it's proof of a growing regulatory chill in the industry after Janet Jackson's 2004 Super Bowl “wardrobe malfunction.”

This is example No. 1,“ said Martin Franks, executive vice president of CBS Corp., of the decision by two dozen CBS affiliates to replace or delay ”9/11“ -- which has already aired twice without controversy -- over concerns about some of the language used by the firefighters.

Franks said it seemed ”dishonest somehow“ for the network to cover up the language because of the current regulatory environment.

Too bad ABC isn't receiving any grief for their faux documentary which apparently blames Clinton for 9/11. Gotta love our no-liberal, fact-esque media. Cursing by firefighters- bad, six hours of lies about the Clinton administration - good.

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I really try to stay away from the traumatic events in the city I am from. However, I well remember the memos left for the Shrub administration by President Clinton's. Too bad our Savior has to rest all of August and his staff may also have a reading disability. Firefighters use foul language? Nah!

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