Gillo Pontecorvo RIP


Keep meaning to watch this seminal film as part of my quest to see every movie on the IMDb top 250 list.

The Battle of Algiers - Criterion Collection
“The Battle of Algiers - Criterion Collection” (Gillo Pontecorvo)

Gillo Pontecorvo, 86, Director of ‘Battle of Algiers,’ Dies The Italian filmmaker explored terrorism and torture in colonial Algeria in the influential 1965 classic.

but for some reason, haven't.



I keep meaning to watch it again in the context of Abu Ghraib, etc.

yeah, that too, and that I've read about the film being screened by the US military prior to the invasion, apparently ignoring the lessons.

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This page contains a single entry by Seth A. published on October 14, 2006 12:05 PM.

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