Le Leve


For some reason, I never noticed the upper portion of the woman's face [ Marie-Thérèse Walte] is composed of a semi-flacid penis. Now I can't look at this wonderful painting without seeing the prick.

Picasso Le Reve

U.S. casino magnate gives Picasso's dream the elbow - Yahoo! News Picasso's famed “Dream” painting turned into a nightmare for Las Vegas casino magnate Steve Wynn when he accidentally gave the multimillion dollar canvas an elbow.

Wynn had just finalized a $139 million sale to another collector of his painting, called “Le Reve” (The Dream), when he poked a finger-sized hole in the artwork while showing it to friends at his Las Vegas office a couple of weeks ago.

The New Yorker has more.



no wonder you're seeing images like that. must be the alzheimers cure.

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This page contains a single entry by Seth A. published on October 19, 2006 8:46 AM.

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