Bill Gates Lying

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Homage to George L. Kelling

Ha ha, good one, Bill. Sounds like Mr. Gates has caught GWB's truthiness disease, you know, where if you make an assertion, the assertion suddenly becomes true, no matter how contrary to the reality based world the assertion is. I follow the Mac press pretty closely, and if there are security exploits of this magnitude discovered every day, they are pretty well hidden. Maybe Mr. Gates switched the words “Mac” and “Windows” as a sort of Freudian slip? That would be more believable than what he tells Steven Levy:

Bill Gates on Vista and Apple's 'Lying' Ads - Newsweek Technology -

Bill Gates explains why you should buy his new operating system, what he’s doing next and why John Hodgeman bugs him.

Gates: Nowadays, security guys break the Mac every single day. Every single day, they come out with a total exploit, your machine can be taken over totally. I dare anybody to do that once a month on the Windows machine.


Old meet New

update 2/3/07
Of course, John Gruber has more on the topic. Such a laughable assertion by Gates, I'm sure 11,343 other bloggers have posted on the topic as well.

Gates’s claim about Mac OS X security is simply false. Flabbergastingly false. It’s irritating that Levy didn’t press him on this point, to ask for a few examples. Perhaps Gates’s “every single day” claim is a reference to the Month of Apple Bugs project, of which only one published exploit, the first, could allow something this serious to happen without action by the user (i.e. by double-clicking an unknown download you didn’t ask for) — and Apple released a security update to fix it on January 23.

I’m not aware of a single exploit in the wild that allows a stock Mac OS X 10.4 box to be “taken over”. Not one. (I’m also not aware of any for Vista, either.1)

It’s either an angry, slanderous lie, or Bill Gates is an uninformed jackass.

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Sure sounded like he said "bring it on".

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