Oscar notes


9 great movies

Not going to take as much time as, for instance, Dori Smith did, but here are a few top of mind notes scribbled from the 79th Oscars.

I only saw three of the movies that were nominated: An Inconvenient Truth, The Prestige, and the Departed. Some years I manage to see more, not this time.

Glad Martin Scorsese finally got his Oscar, though, like I wrote a couple days ago, he didn't really deserve it this year. Doesn't matter, The Departed was a decent movie, and Scorsese should have gotten several Oscars before this year anyway.

Celine Dion is always annoying. Without exception. Uhhh.

Watched the telecast in HD, a new experience for me. For some reason, I was fascinated watching the beads of sweat glisten on Beyoncé Knowles' exposed chest as she performed. I'm still not a fan of ululation though.

Jennifer Lopez's dress made me laugh great peals of derisive laughter. I know that's shallow of me, but still, that was a Homer Simpson mumu dress...

The Queen looks interesting, especially after reading Helen Mirren's bio and quote re: Ian Richardson (star of the House of Cards BBC miniseries I just watched).

Forest Whitaker has a powerful presence, and am intrigued by his portrayal of Idi Amin, but what an odd acceptance speech. Looking at his career, there are a lot of duds, but a handful of movies I liked (Bird, Smoke, Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai).

The one montage that spurred me to log on to Netflix and add a few more films to my queue was the Foreign Language Film of the Year. Too many of those looked unfamiliar. Netflix has a list already populated with prior winners (as well as in other categories). Oh boy, more movies!

Peter O'Toole was the other sentimental favorite to finally win, instead 0 for 8 now. I wonder what other roles he was nominated for but didn't win? Seems like there should be a list somewhere. Oh, here it is. Hmm, seems a bit inflated with mid-level movies, though to be fair, I've only seen a couple of them.

Ellen DeGeneres was ok as hostess, why did she have change her outfits so many times? What was the point? And who was the extremely lame dude they kept cutting too before commercial breaks?

That's all I can decipher at the moment.


My Safari makes your blog have the same colors as my Brazilian one. I went with "The Departed after reading your post. I felt Alan Arkin had to win. I'm glad Jennifer Hudson did. At least she is real flesh, fewer bones exposed. And she doesn't sing in the perpetual orgasm school Whitney Houston initiated.
The star of the night was the iPhone.

yeah, was glad Jennifer Hudson won, even though I had no idea who she was, other than she wasn't an "actress trained at Juliard", and she was from Chicago.

What's the link to your Brazilian blog again? Currently, the colors are 'masala' colors, red, tan, gold, etc. Safari doesn't reload a sites CSS page unless you 'reset' cache (sort of annoying actually - Firefox does if you 'shift-refresh'.)

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