An Irish Prayer

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Another Time perhaps

Beth writes (and I'm stealing)

An Irish Prayer

May those who love us, love us;
and those who don't love us,
may God turn their hearts;
and if He doesn't turn their hearts,
may he turn their ankles
so we'll know them by their limping.

Cry For Me, Ye Irish Eyes of Green

Here's what I wrote a few years ago

As someone with plenty of Irish DNA intermingled in my slipstream, and plenty of Planxty tunes memorized, it is my solemn duty to explain why I've imbibed several fluid ounces of Jameson's today, with Guinness chasers. Maybe not.

Suffice it to say that vomiting on public streets is not really an Irish tradition worth emulating, nor is public pugilism honoring the great pagan St. Patrick. Those who choose to besmirch Ireland and Irishness by embarrassing themselves should not be allowed to stand for the whole of our sphere; Joyce, Yeats, Pogues, et al. If my meanings are not clear, blame that shamrock jammed in your ear.

Now, pour me another.

Trains Get Lost

Today, however, I've only enough for one good drink (just poured it), and don't have any beer in the house. The Vape will have to suffice, Irish greenery and all that. Some friends coming over later, we'll probably go somewhere that serves regular beer (not that vomitous green stuff), and I'll quaff a few more while brooding in a corner reciting bits of Finnegan's Wake.


1 Comment

I hope you behaved. We had Chinese beer.

Great photo.

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