Incredible Shrinking Arctic Ice


Facts are dangerous items, part the 45654th.

Good thing we went to Alaska when we did, right?

Eagle on Ice

Analysts See ‘Simply Incredible’ Shrinking of Floating Ice in the Arctic:
The area of floating ice in the Arctic has shrunk more this summer than in any other summer since satellite tracking began in 1979, and it has reached that record point a month before the annual ice pullback typically peaks, experts said yesterday.

The cause is probably a mix of natural fluctuations, like unusually sunny conditions in June and July, and long-term warming from heat-trapping greenhouse gases and sooty particles accumulating in the air
Dr. Serreze said that a high-pressure system parked over the Arctic appeared to have caused a “triple whammy” — keeping away clouds, causing winds to carry warm air north and pushing sea ice away from Siberia, exposing huge areas of open water.

The progressive summertime opening of the Arctic has intensified a longstanding international tug of war over shipping routes and possible oil and gas deposits beneath the Arctic Ocean seabed.

By natural, does Andrew Revkin (who wrote this brief article) mean humanity had nothing to do with the hotter-than-normal summer? Or what?

Not on Highway 61

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Actually, people really don't have much to do with this hotter-than-normal summer, at least not in the traditional greenhouse-gasses way. What people had to do with climate change is by affecting the state of the oceans. We can ignore this for some more years, but it will be a bit late when we will decide that all oru energy consumption actions don't do any good and start looking for real solutions.

Oh, no, nothing to do with it. In fact, if humans suddenly no longer existed on this planet, the temperature would go up anyway. Riiiighhht.

Or in other words, you admit humans might have had something to do with the oceans warming, but claim that has nothing to do with climate change.

No, you got me wrong. I am saying that the climate changes in the past century did happen with people being here and not generating the same greenhouse gasses, but with other actions on oceans as in the present time. So, what I am saying is that the greenhouse gasses theory is not standing for the past century climate and that there are other causes for the climate change.

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