links for 2008-03-22



Why that over the Sigma 10-20?

Why that over the Sigma 10-20?

So important I said it twice, apparently...

I have only my experience using a 24mm lens on my film camera to draw from, nothing wider than that though.

Wide-angle is, in my opinion, difficult to do well. You'd think moving from 28 to 24mm would be trivial but it wasn't, at least for me. Moving to anything wider than that would require a lot more study. But hey, per-shot costs with digital are far lower than they were with film.

So, in the end, I guess I can't really add anything to the discussion. Rental seems like the way to go if you want a taste.

Calumet is another option and I've rented long lenses from them before. The nice thing about them (aside from being local and therefore quicker in getting lenses) is that if you pick up after 4pm on Friday and get it back to them before 9am on Monday you only get charged for 1 day of rental. At least, that was the policy when I rented before. Might want to check with them to be sure it still is.

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