Various bits of flotsam that washed up on our computers, before we moved to a better blog system in November 2004. Now a repository for YouTube videos and testing new tools. Go to for more recent content.

Friday, July 30, 2004

Airport Express on Ethernet network

Configuring AirPort Express on a wired-only Ethernet network:
Even though AirPort Express includes a fully-functional wireless access point, it's totally legit to use it on a wired-only network for its print server and music streaming features. When setting up for a wired-only environment, you could get a bit confused by the fact that AirPort Express Assistant refuses to hook you up. This is because AirPort Express Assistant will only connect wirelessly from a computer that has a wireless card. Don't worry -- you just need to use AirPort Admin Utility instead, as shown here.

instructions here


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for such an interesting post. I will be back to read the blog again. I have found that Interoute have a great product -
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7:48 AM, July 17, 2008


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