Ass Press for a reason

The Associated Press is known as the Ass Press for a reason1

Yesterday we flagged the AP’s Jennifer Loven’s ‘analysis’ piece flogging the McCain/RNC spin on Obama’s run to the center. Well, as every crack communication operation knows, message repetition is the key to success. And so today we have another ‘analysis’ piece, this time by the AP’s Steven Hurst. And it’s practically the same piece. Hurst and Loven actually both use the identical quote from RNC spinmeister Alex Conant.

Says Conant: “There appears to be no issue that Barack Obama is not willing to reverse himself on for the sake of political expedience.”

The identical quote appears in both pieces. If the pieces weren’t bylined I think I might have assumed one was a rewrite of the other. But they actually appear to be two completely original articles, just mouthing the identical McCain/RNC line.

[From Talking Points Memo | AP On the Case!]

Really is disgusting how deeply the majority of the US news media is in the tank for John McCain. No wonder McSame hates bloggers2 .

  1. well, besides the juvenile reason that saying the word ass celebrates George Carlin and his Seven Naughty Words bit []
  2. I’m sure I’m too obscure to appear on McCain’s radar, but I’ll take the compliment nevertheless. []

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