Jukebox John can’t pick a favorite pander

So he keeps letting his Rovian friends put another dime bag in the jukebox…

McCain has been in Congress for more than a quarter-century; he’s bound to shift now and then on various controversies. But therein lies the point — McCain was consistent on most of these issues, right up until he started running for president, at which point he conveniently abandoned literally dozens of positions he used to hold. The problem isn’t just the incessant flip-flops — though that’s part of it — it’s more about the shameless pandering and hollow convictions behind the incessant flip-flops. That the media still perceives McCain as some kind of “straight talker” who refuses to sway with the political winds makes this all the more glaring.

Here’s the list.

[From Jukebox John keeps changing his tune – The Carpetbagger Report]

76 different flip-flops as of today1

  1. please note, I have nothing against people changing their mind – I have a different favorite ten albums every day, perhaps even every hour, but I am not running television ads smearing my neighbor for changing his favorite ten albums. John McCain is, and should be excoriated for it. []

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