Bookmarks for September 28th

Some additional reading September 28th from 00:15 to 10:37:

  • The Next Up-and-Coming Neighborhoods – BusinessWeek – My photo got republished by BusinessWeek, with a half-assed photo credit. Is it really so hard to use my real name? I guess if they don't, they don't have to pay, right? oh well. Still cool.
  • James Fallows-on Strategy and Tactics – But Obama either figured out, or instinctively understood, that the real battle was to make himself seem comfortable, reasonable, responsible, well-versed, and in all ways "safe" and non-outsiderish to the audience just making up its mind about him. (And yes, of course, his being a young black man challenging an older white man complicated everything he did and said, which is why his most wittily aggressive debate performance was against another black man, Alan Keyes, in his 2004 Senate race.) The evidence of the polls suggests that he achieved exactly this strategic goal. He was the more "likeable," the more knowledgeable, the more temperate, etc.
  • How McCain Stirred a Simmering Pot – Maybe why McCain was so pissed at Obama
    " Obama then jumped in to turn the question on his rival: "What do you think of the [insurance] plan, John?" he asked repeatedly. McCain did not answer.

    One Republican in the room said it was clear that the Democrats came into the meeting with a "game plan" aimed at forcing McCain to choose between the administration and House Republicans. "They had taken McCain's request for a meeting and trumped it," said this source."
    Ha ha, McLame's plan turned into a trap

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