Bookmarks for October 22nd

Some additional reading October 22nd from 20:52 to 21:34:

  • Daily Kos: Listening to the Locals: Texas – Talking about pipe dreams, albeit pleasant ones:
    "Imagine, New York, California, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Texas all in the Democratic column. That would mean every election cycle, Democrats would start with 162 electoral college votes. "
    TX used to be a reliable Democratic state, up until the Civil Rights act of 1964. 1968 D, 1972 R, 1976 D, 1980-2004 R
  • Conkers – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia – Not sure why I know about this game, but I do:
    "Conkers is a game traditionally played by children in Britain, Ireland and some former British colonies using the nuts of horse-chestnut trees – the name conker is also applied to the nut and to the tree itself. The game is played by two players, each with a conker threaded onto a piece of string: they take turns to strike each other's conker until one breaks."
  • The Pub Game Project: Pub Conkers! – I don't know why I know about conkers, never played it, must have been a book I read as a kid.

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