Blagojevich a Sociopath

Since I’ve already quoted this line a couple of times already, and even sent it to my mom, I should set it down here, in my publicly available scrapbook1

[photo by Brian Kersey]

Anyway, Eric Zorn remembers a fairly recent article about our sociopathic gov in the Chicago Magazine:

In a profile of Blagojevich in last February’s Chicago Magazine, writer David Bernstein reported:

Privately, a few people who know the governor describe him as a “sociopath,” and they insist they’re not using hyperbole. State representative Joe Lyons, a fellow Democrat from Chicago, told reporters that Blagojevich was a “madman” and “insane.”

That struck me at the time, as over the top. Today it strikes me as brave and prescient.

If these allegations are true, Blagojevich is not just sleazy and venal, he’s also recklessly compulsive. But an allegedly recklessly compulsive sociopath cannot and does not act alone — his abetters and enablers included his major donors and his advisers. They, too, should be called to account.

[From `Staggering’ allegations, even by Illinois standards | Eric Zorn’s Change of Subject]

  1. is that what a blog is? I still have yet to come up with a good explanation of what it is I am attempting here []

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